Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Alx Ricker

Justices Amended Constitution on Their Own: I believe that the position on this reading is Conservative. Mr. Kilpatrick mocks the meaning of the words "public use". He states that the supreme court justices have a distorted view of "public use". That the government should not take peoples houses away to erect shops and stores to stimulate local economy.

By Letting Redevelopers Take Little Guys Property: This reading is definitely conservative. The writer states, "The underlying liberal vision was that private property was the instrument of individuals of privilege and power, which had to be cut down to size by an alert legislature that had the interests of the little man at heart".

He stipulates that government is corrupt and that the rich only have their own interest in mind.

More than Abortion Is at Stake is Supreme Court Picks: This reading seems democratic, the writer refers to the republicans as foes of women's rights. That they show tunnel vision.
He gives examples like: A report by the liberal People for for the American Way foundation, documents how President Bush has picked lawyers and judges who favor a pre-New Deal approach to the Constitution: An era when property rights and states right were given weight than protecting individual rights, and when the courts forbade Congress to address urgent issues of poverty and health care.

Losing Our Country: Mr. Krugman seems to be taking more democratic approach to this reading. He states Since 1980 in particular, the U.S. government policies have consistently favored the wealthy at the expense of working families-and the under the current administration, that favoritism has become extreme and relentless.
That the middle class is being exterminated and that people the rich are always supported and the middle class is punished for being unlucky.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

adding and analyzing text

This reading mainly focuses on being able to add and modify your information in a literary work. It says that when you add something you must analyse what is in the text before it can fit the rest of your topic. You cannot just simply plug in information and expect it to work for you. Your must treat it like a puzzle piece. You have to turn it again and again until it fits perfectly. If you try to force it it will only make for final product distorted. For instance: if you are talking about European football referees and the severity of a foul before it is called, and you compare it to the NFL, then you are going to have to do your best to incorporate referees and how they are taught to make calls. You have to understand the rules for both sports and what is and isn't tolerated.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What exactly is compassion? How is it defined? There are many ways to describe it and identify it. When two people love and care for each other, compassion is somewhere snuggled in between the people. If a person decides to purchase a mosquito net for raising benefits for kids in Africa that have malaria. Can compassion be explained as a comrades helping a fallen soldier, or helping anybody in need. I believe that in some societies compassion is measured differently. In East Asian countries a simple good deed can be regarded with much compassion. When I wrestled I had compassion for the sport and for the wrestlers and for the sport. I have much compassion for the beautiful game (soccer). If you have compassion for others you will receive it. I do believe that the most driven people have to have compassion to succeed in life. Compassion is in our dreams and in our thoughts, it lives in our souls weather we try to quell it or not. The world’s major religions stress love and compassion. It so the ability to share others suffering and a form of empathy. I believe that pushing the logic of compassion tot eh highest level can act as a powerful inspiration. Most people, when they see somebody who is handicapped, feel sympathetic toward the person. We should work on developing a genuine compassion for our loved ones. When we are no longer satisfied by our partners and lose that alluring sensation that we have ultimately lost compassion. We have a responsibility to show compassion when we are driving and we have to care for the other drivers as if they were loved ones. There is a difference between love and compassion and the difference is a simple attachment aspect. When a person loves you they feel compassion but they also feel a sense of sheltering and shelter. They have placed their heart in your hands and let you be in charge of how you treat it. When you love a girl you have become their security blanket, and in a way their lifeline. A source of energy that helps them through the day and makes them happy, or sad, or lonely, or excited. Love has the ability to control every emotion, even compassion. A good sense of compassion starts with love. Compassion there really can’t be true love. There is even compassion in war. A long time ago wars would be stopped and a siece fire would be called out in honor of Christmas Eve. Farmers show compassion when they do their work in the fields or sell their crops and livestock. Even animals can show compassion. There are many stories of dolphins and dogs saving people. This is a message that says if you show compassion and give compassion then you will receive it.
The world should learn compassion because it would be a much better place and there would be more understanding. If there was compassion in this world then we would not be tearing down the rainforest. We would not be dumping toxic sewage into our river, lakes, streams, and oceans. When John Smith came to Jamestown he stated that the James River was so clear that he could see to the bottom. Now the only thing that many people see is dead fish at the top. If compassion was common there would not be genocide in the Sudan, the Holocaust would have never happened. We would have never have seen the rise of the Kameir Rouge, Pol Pots dictatorship in Cambodia. There would have never been a Nicolae Ceausescu, or a Slobodan Milosevic, or a Benito Mussolini. If we had compassion we would have not gone to a war that we cannot win.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Inferring Implications from Observations

The sidewalk is disappearing because the housing in suburban villages is too spread out. The county (where I live) does not require the builders to construct a sidewalk a guess because there are not enough people in the are that would use a side walk. The cities need sidewalks because the population is so much more concentrated. It would be incredibly dangerous if the cities didn't have sidewalks. The suburbs do not necessarilyneed them because it safe not to have them.

Houses now are built more open with higher ceilings and feature living rooms. I like to think of a living room as a purgatory. A place where you sit and wait until the host of the house invites you into the rest of the house. The living room is a place where a family can sit down and enjoy a movie o a board game. I have come t notice that the living room is often not far from the kitchen so that there is a more connected family atmosphere in the house. So that whoever is cooking dinner does not feel excluded from the rest of the family. this kind of style is becoming popular around suburban areas where families are continuing to grow and develop.

A good fence can make a good neighbor as long as the neighbor is all ready good. A fence wont stop a nosey neighbor from coming to the front door. But I do agree with the statement that a good fence makes a good neighbor. If the fence is tall enough and leaves no spaces in between the posts then a neighbor will not be ale to bother you.

This directly implies that that females are more emotional and talk more. That women are not able to reason quite as well as males. This not necessarily obvious but it is a common thought among men. But of course men would be the ones to say this. Women are certainly capable of reasoning and talking less. It also really depends on the person. Genetics are everything, it also has t do with the behaviors that we learn growing up. What we are taught as kids really makes a huge impact on how we do ting as adults. For example: my dad really gets anxious about money he doesn't necessarily think about it all the time but he spends a good deal making it important. It has unfortunately rubbed off on me and I am trying to scrub it off.

I am really against teens serving adult sentences. one of my friends in high school was drunk and decided to drive home and she killed somebody. Now that is obviously awful in a million different ways but I just do not believe it is right to make an example out of a first time criminal. Again I realize that she indeed killed somebody, took a life, and this person will never be of this earth again. But she is a good person at heart and she obviously made a dumb decision that she has had to deal with. I personally would rather die than have to live with somebody else's death.

Well this is a perfect example in which the science overrides the law. Because the judgement and impulse control doesn't develop fully until age twenty one, that implies that the teenage criminals and delinquents are free to go because they are not mentally ready. Its OK to make a stupid decision because we are all ready predisposed to making dumb decisions. This is precisely why I do not think that a teenager should be tried as an adult. Because they are not adults.

Well there have always been miscommunications between men and women. It is tough for a man to take a women seriously when she gives a command in an interrogative tone of voice. Women use it to imply a statement. For example: a women says Are you going to be home by midnight? Well that means that you had better be home by midnight.

Shopping mall and grocery stores probably do not have clocks because they do not want they're customers to realise how long they have been shopping. It is a marketing strategy and it is in fact brilliant. Because before cell phones there wasn't a way to tell time unless you had a watch. It keeps shoppers at the registers and continuously shopping.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


George Walker Bush will be remembered in America by a man who mobilized an entire nation to defeat evil on the other side of the globe. A man that created so much hype and fear that if you didn’t have an American flag magnet on your car you were looked at as an outsider to the united people of America. There was a sense of unity that had not been seen in a long time, a belief in the American people that was good and true. Something all American big and tall, old and young, could associate with. The American people looked to their leader with unwavering support in going to Afghanistan to defeat evil and stomp the terrorist threat.
I watched the 9/11 address the nation and listened to the partially incoherent although somewhat convincing speech that President Bush gave to the anxious nation. These people needed information and in my opinion he gave the people of America no wise words of advice, comfort or strength. He read his words of his teleprompter like a deer in the headlights. You can tell in the video that he is very nervous and uncomfortable. He blinks his eyes whenever he is about to say another word and in between. He almost looks as though he has no clue what he is talking about. He shows no emotion in his face, and looks at you as if he was trying to hypnotize you and just barely cracks a smile towards the end of the clip.
The address is very short and dry and does not motivate me to do anything. I have a hard time taking him seriously for the simple fact that he smiled during the address. Thousands of people have perished. Business workers pedestrians, firefighters, policemen and other brave men and women died in the chaos. A cloud of smoke rose over the city, leaving the nation in chaos and pure amazement. As they turned toward their leader and gave him their undivided attention while he smiles and seems to laugh to himself during his speech.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Alex Ricker Folk Art

Today I analysed a folk art painting by Queena Stovall. she is a folk artist.
My interpretation of folk art is timely expressions of (simple) times. The art is not as master full looking, there are imperfections and disproportions. Where regular towns people are expressed in a reality photographic memorable moment. She paints small town, working class Americans who are usually enjoying life.
The painting The End of The Line
In this painting all of the people are having what looks like an auction.
This looks like a small town village scene in which most or all of the people know each other. Most of them seem to be dressed in nice clothes. Like maybe church type o thing.
The speaker in the auction looks to be enjoying himself, probably because he is getting paid. The women in the back round are having side conversations and getting a little rowdy. There is either an Native American, or African American in the the middle ground next to the screen on the left side of the house. As if looking on at the others. or maybe she int looking at the others at all. Se simply could just be shopping. But she most definitely seems out of place.
The season is changing from summer to fall and it is still a comfortable temperature outside. It is probably 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon. There are tired looking individuals outside the crowd who are helping set up the furniture and other sale items. There is an elder man dressed in casual clothes. He sits back relaxed watching his stuff get sold. He looks tired as well does his house. Old plantation style grey with brick chimneys on the sides. It is run down and old just like the old man.
Next to the man is his dog who's characteristic and behavior resemble its owner in the chair. There is a grandfather clock on the porch. It is most likely the most expensive item in the house and he is keeping it under the porch in case of rain.
This piece is very specific and depicts a specific place, (one grain among many).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Over the past couple days I have noticed that when people talk on their cell phones thay tend to forget what they are doing. They do not pay attention or listen to detail. They become completely self absorbed into the device straped to their ear.
I learned that some people sound braindead when they answer. The girls answer their phones in a excited valley girl tone and the guys a sort of mumble.
Its like people forget how to speak when they engage in conversation.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cell Phone Empire

The cell phone has become a necesity among most Americans. We drive with them, check our email, watch videos on the internet, and manage stocks. All of this power within the palm of our hands. Some of us have become glued to these devices. They have become a distraction with benefits.
At first many people used the cell phones for emergencies, but outragous minute plans, and with the help of global transformation the cell phone industry became an empire. The world is more connected and as a result has become essentialy smaller.
The cell phone has also eliminated the importence of detail. When people talk on their phones they become distracted and often slow things down, forget things, break the law, come across as rude, and sometimes kill people.
How do you cope with a device so powerfull that it can connect to the other side of the world. It must be mannaged quickly and effectively. The cell phone companies have grown so big that there is barely enough competion to keep the prices down. And with the merger of AT&T and Cingular, and Verizon buying Altell the companies are able to jack the prices up as much as they want.